Thursday, January 15, 2015

Adakah Akta Hasutan dan Akta Tahanan Tanpa Bicara dapat membanteras keganasan?

Oleh Koh Swe Yong, Naib-Pengerusi PRM

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) membantah pengekalan Akta Hasutan dan cadangan menggubal semula Akta Tahanan Tanpa Bicara.

Kenyataan Ketua Polis Negara Khalid bahawa peristiwa pembunuhan 12 orang di pejabat majalah Charlie Bebdo di Paris Perancis baru-baru ini adalah contoh yang baik Akta Hasutan 1948 harus dikekalkan, menunjukkan beliau berfikiran tegar dan kekal, tidak boleh ubah dan tidak idea baru unuk menghadapi perkembangan pesat dan baru dalam negeri dan di dunia .

PRM juga membantah cadangan dan pertimbangan Peguam Negara serta pihak tertentu mengambil keadaan baru untuk menggubal dan melaksanakan semula akta tahan tanpa bicara (detention without trial) atau memasukkan unsur tahan tanpa bicara dalam mana-mana Akta sedia ada.

Dapatkah Akta Hasutan atau tahan tanpa bicara mencegah perbuatan ganas dan jenayah? Siapakah sebenarnya akta-akta tersebut hendak melindungi ? Rakyat atau elit berkuasa?

Pengalaman pelaksanaan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) 1960 yang telah dimansuhkan dan dilaksanakan selama lebih 50 tahun, pendakwaan dengan Akta Hasutan terhadap pemimpin pembangkang serta aktivis NGO dan sosial adalah bukti nyata matlamat pelaksanaan ISA dan Akta Hasutan adalah untuk UMNO—BN menyekat dan menekan kebebasan hak rakyat bersuara dan melindungi kepentingan golongan elit berkuasa.

Hidup rakyat kian susah. Rakyat makin tidak berpuas hati dengan dasar UMNO-BN dan bangkit membantah dan hendak mengubah pemerintah. Sekarang ISA tidak ada lagi, pihak berkuasa mengguna Akta Hasutan dan mahkamah untuk menutup mulut rakyat, supaya pemerintahan UMNO—BN dapat dipanjangkan.

Perbuatan sedemikian bertentangan amalan demokrasi walaupun PM Najib sedar dan bersetuju memansuhkan Akta Hasutan dua tahun yang lalu, tetapi membuat pusingan-U dan hendak mengekalkannya pula.

Masalah negara banyak. Masalah rasuah, segelintir elit berkuasa monopoli sumber dan kekayaan negara, jurang antara kaya dan miskin makin luas, harga barangan melambung naik, keruntuhan nilai sosial, pendidikan dan keselamatan, pejenayah dan penyalahgunaan dadah melanda, alam persekitaran dicemar dan dieksploitasi sewenang-wenang, daya persaingan negara jatuh, banjir, kemarau dan catuan air kerap berlaku lagi genting. Kesemua masalah sedang menunggu penyelesaian yang berkesan oleh pihak pemerintah.

Tetapi pihak elit bukan sahaja tidak menyelesaikan masalah dan kesempitan hidup rakyat yang dicipta-buat oleh mereka, selain memecah perintah rakyat dengan isu-isu perkauman dan agama, mulut rakyat juga ditutup dengan mengguna Akta Hasutan dan mahkamah, pandangan mereka tidak didengar, ketidakpuasan rakyat ditekan, serta seribu satu daya dicari untuk mengekalkan kuasa kongkongan elit politik.

Negara ini perlu berubah. Akta-akta seperti Akta Hasutan dan tahanan tanpa bicara tidak dapat membanteras kegiatan keganasan dan jenayah. Langkah progresif dan adil ialah jawapan.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rangka strategi pembangunan baru tangani perubahan cuaca dunia

Oleh Koh Swe Yong, Naib-Pengerusi PRM

Kebelakangan ini, menjelang tahun 2015 negeri Pantai Timur khususnya di Kelantan dan di utara Malaysia Barat serta Sabah di Malaysia Timur dilanda banjir yang teruk, seperti berlaku tsunami, lebih daripada 200,000 mangsa terpaksa dipindah, kerugian harta benda yang sangat besar, nyawa penduduk terancam dan kehidupan mereka terganggu .

Bencana buruk ini adalah ekoran daripada pembalakan hutan dan eksploitasi tanah untuk apa yang dikatakan “pembangunan” yang tidak terkawal, terancang dan dilakukan secara melampau. Perubahan cuaca global memburukkan lagi keadaan banjir. Akhirnya, rakyat jelata menjadi mangsa dan korban.

Pihak yang memerintah sama ada kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) atau Pakatan Rakyat (PR) tidak memberikan keutamaan kepada kebajikan rakyat.

Perubahan cuaca dalam negara dan cuaca dunia luarbiasa lumrah dilaporkan. Banjir, salji, taifun, puting beliung dan kemarau lebih kerap dan lebih dahsyat daripada yang lepas menyerang di rantau negara China, Amerika, Australia atau Filipina. Dalam negara kita, perubahan cuaca pun amat jelas, pada masa cuaca panas dan tidak berhujan, jerebu dan kekurangan air berlaku sehingga catuan air dipaksa pada pengguna di Lembah Kelang dan di Mersing Johor atau di Negeri Sembilan. Apabila hujan lebat, berlakulah tanah runtuh dan banjir kilat seperti di Ringlet dan Bertam Valley , Cameron Highlands atau banjir lumpur kilat di Rawang dan Kajang Selangor. Angin kencang seperti tornado juga dilaporkan berlaku di Kedah. Rakyat menanggung bencana alam buatan manusia.

PBB (Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu) dan saintis di merata dunia juga menyimpul daripada pengkajian bahawa kegiatan manusia telah banyak mengubah iklim dunia, dan menyeru kepada pemerintah-pemerintah mengambil langkah-langkah untuk meredakan keburukan perubahan cuaca, supaya kewujudan manusia di bumi ini tidak terancam dan kekal selamat. Walaupun banjir teruk yang berlaku, memperlihatkan kerajaan BN atau PR langsung tidak menghiraukan gejala-gejala buruk cuaca ini, serta merangka strategi untuk menangani perubahan yang mengancam ini.

Kerajaan BN dan PR harus sedar dan belajar daripada peristiwa buruk ini, ubah pemikiran mereka. Selama ini, pembangunan yang dijalankan adalah ekspolitasi sumber-sumber alam bukannya pembangunan. Kerajaan perlu hentikan eksploitasi sumber alam , hutan dan tanah dengan sewenang-wenangnya, dan usaha tidak memanfaakan rakyat dengan mengalihkan perhatian rakyat bahawa banjir buruk ini adalah takdir.

Kerajaan harus merangka satu strategi baru dengan menggembleng tenaga akademik transdispilin institusi penggajian tinggi, memberikan peruntukan yang mencukupi untuk mengkaji cuaca, masalah air dan alam persekitaran supaya strategi pembangunan negara menyeluruh dan boleh menampung kehendak masa depan rakyat. Jika tidak berbuat demikain, bencana lebih dahsyat akan menimpa dan rakyat akan menanggung keperitan dan kesengsaraan.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Dakwa bekas pegawai terlibat pengeluaran kad pengenalan secara haram

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) mendesak Peguam Negara Abdul Gani Patail segera bertindak mendakwa kelima-lima orang bekas pegawai awam yang pernah ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) . Nama mereka disebut dalam laporan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) bagi menyiasat masalah PATI di Sabah dan didapati mengeluarkan kad pengenalan (IC) biru secara haram kepada PATI di negeri itu.

PRM tidak bersetuju dan membantah jawapan yang diberikan oleh Peguam Negara semasa beliau membalas pertanyaan pemberita berkenaan mendakwa mereka terlibat .

Menurut berita, Abd Gani berkata, “Sebelum ini mungkin orang bertindak (tanpa perlu) perbicaraan... Dan anda juga menyokongnya.”

"(Akhbar) anda menyokong ISA, jadi janganlah sekarang beritahu saya anda mahu perbicaraan,” katanya ketika ditanya jika bekas tahanan itu akan didakwa.

PRM mendapati Abd Gani silap dan jawapannya tidak dapat diterima.

Dakwa di mahkamah atau bebas tanpa syarat

Ketika ISA dikuatkuasakan, PRM dan banyak pihak semenjak pelaksanaan hingga pemansuhannya membantah dengan sekeras-kerasnya penahanan tanpa bicara dan menuntut ISA dimansuhkan, dan menuntut bahawa “ orang tahanan ISA sama ada didakwa atau dibebas tanpa syarat”, kerana tahan tanpa bicara Akta ini boleh disalahgunakan dan diseleweng.

Selepas lebih 50 tahun ISA dikuatkuasakan, pengalaman penahanan ISA telah membuktikan bahawa penentangan dan tuntutan pemansuhan ISA oleh PRM dan pihak prihatin adalah benar dan tepat, ISA telah disalahgunakan dan akhirnya dimansuhkan pada tahun 2012. ISA dikuatkuasakan pada 1 Ogos 1960.

PRM persoal niat penahanan jenayah dengan ISA

Selama ISA dilaksanakan, PRM pernah menyoalkan niat penggunaan ISA terhadap perbuatan jenayah, seperti kejadian mengeluarkan IC secara haram dan kegiatan haram yang lain. PRM tertanya-tanya dan ragu-ragu akan perbuatan demikian, dan mengesyaki Akta ini diguna untuk menutup sesuatu perbuatan haram yang tidak hendak diketahui umum, dan perkara haram ini adalah terancang dan untuk tujuan tertentu yang dilakukan dengan pengetahuan pihak atasan .

Bagi menjernihkan situasi dan persepsi negatif terhadap laporan RCI dan menegakkan keadilan dan kebenaran, Peguam Negara tidak harus memberi alasan lagi untuk menolak tuntutan supaya mereka yang terlibat dalam laporan RCI dibawa ke muka pengadilan, serta mengarah pihak berkenaan menyiasat individu lain yang terlibat dengan pengeluaran IC biru secara haram.

Koh Swe Yong
Naib-Pengerusi PRM

Saturday, November 8, 2014

PRM 46th National Congress

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) held its 46th National Congress recently on 8th November 2014. As this year's congress was an election year, the delegates had also elected a new central committee for the ensuing year 2014-2016.

In the congress, number of resolutions were tabled, debated and passed, while delegates also gave their views on the current political situation in our nation.

The congress was held at the First Business Inn in Kuala Lumpur.

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) baru-baru ini telah mengadakan Kongres Nasional Ke-46 pada 8hb November 2014 dan telah memilih barisan kepimpinan yang baru bagi penggal 2014-2016.

Di dalam kongres tersebut, beberapa resolusi telah dibentangkan, diperdebatkan dan diluluskan oleh para perwakilan yang turut memberikan beberapa pandangan mereka terhadap perkembangan politik di negara kita ini.

Kongres tersebut telah diadakan di First Business Inn, Kuala Lumpur.

Monday, November 3, 2014

PRM menerima penyertaan ahli-ahli baru di Sungai Petani, Kedah

Penduduk Bakar Arang , Sungai Petani, Kedah menyertai Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM). Gambar: anggota baru dan ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat pada 3 November 2014 malam di pejabat PRM Bakar Arang. dari kiri, Sdr Ramlee Pengerusi Majlis, Sdr Teoh, Sdr Tan Chow Kang, Sdr Koh Swe Yong (Naib-Presiden PRM) dan di kanan Sdri Goh Chuin Loon (Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat PRM).


Residents of Bakar Arang, Sungai Petani, Kedah joined the People’s Party of Malaysia (PRM). Photo shows new members and PRM CEC members on 3 November 2014 in PRM Bakar Arang office. From left, sdr Ramlee, Sdr Teoh, Sdr Tan Chow Kang, Sdr Koh Swe Yong (PRM Vice President) and on the right Sdri Goh Chuin Loon, PRM Central Committee member.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Rakyat Malaysia kurang pentingkan penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) akibat dasar Dr Mahathir

Oleh Koh Swe Yong
Naib-Presiden PRM

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) berpendapat bahawa penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) tidak dipentingkan ekoran daripada dasar Dr Mahathir setelah dikuasai selama 22 tahun oleh Dr Mahathir. Beliau harus bertanggungjawab terhadap keadaan ini.

Menurut laporan berita, bekas perdana menteri Dr Mahathir mengkritik, penyelidikan dan pembangunan negara tertinggal di belakang negara lain, oleh itu Malaysia mungkin tidak akan mencapai wawasan negara maju pada 2020, kerana walaupun pendapatan warganegara telah meningkat bersama dengan negara maju, tetapi daya produktiviti rakyat masih rendah dan tidak meningkat selari, negara kita masih tidak termasuk dalam golongan negara maju. Contohnya Brunai, negara itu bergantung pada pengeluaran minyak mentah, pendapatan rakyat setanding dengan negara maju , tetapi oleh sebab R&D bidang sains dan teknologi jauh di belakang, negara itu masih bukan negara maju.

Setelah Dr Mahathir berundur, perdana menteri yang menggantinya, iaitu Abdullah Badawi dan Najib Razak, hanya melaksanakan dasar ekonomi neo-liberalisme dan penswataan Dr Mahathir. Walaupun beberapa rancangan raksasa dikemukakan seperti Kawasan Iskandar di Johor, Koridor Utara dan Timor . Rancangan tersebut serupa dengan pemikiran Dr Mahathir, hanya tumpu pada aktiviti membina struktur fizikal kemudahan asas seperti membina lebuh raya. Matlamatnya untuk merangsangkan keperluan pasaran dalaman, menjaga pendapatan segelintir korporat besar kroni, mengekalkan pertumbuhan lahiriah, dan tidak membantu dalam meningkatkan daya produktiviti rakyat, pendapatan orang ramai juga tidak banyak meningkat, bahkan mengakibatkan penambahan pendapatan terbantut, harga barang melambung naik.

Permainkan catur kuasa manipulasi sentimen perkauman menjaga kepentingan kroni

Di samping itu, untuk mengekalkan dan mengukuhkan pautan pada kuasa supaya pemerintahannya tidak tercabar, sepanjang 22 tahun di tampuk kuasa, beliau sentiasa permainkan catur kuasa, mengubah peraturan dan undang-undang untuk merealisasi kehendaknya, melaksanakan dasar perkauman serta kronisme, menyebabkan penghijrahan tenaga mahir dan cerdik ke luar negara. Pada masa yang sama, beliau mengimport berjuta-juta tenaga pekerja asing yang buta huruf untuk menyambung dasar buruh murah di sektor industri berburuh intensif, dan penggantinya sentiasa menyerap tenaga muda ke perkhidmatan awam membanykkan peluang pekerjaan , demi menyelesaikan masalah pengangguran di kalangan muda-mudi lepasan institusi pengajian,sampai 80% daripada bajet 2015 dibelanjakan untuk bidang pentadbiran dan tertinggal 20% untuk tujuan pembangunan.

Oleh itu, negara kita tidak bersungguh-sungguh menjalankan R&D. Pada masa dahulu, pendapatan Korea lebih rendah berbanding dengan Malaysia, tetapi kerajaannya mengambil-berat terhadap R&D sains dan teknologi, sekarang telefon bimbit Samsung dapat bersaing dengan i-phone Amerika Syarikat(AS), kereta Korea berupaya eksport ke pasaran antarabangsa. Bagaimana dengan Proton, kereta nasional negara, hanya bergantung pada lindungan kerajaan dan dijual dalam pasaran dalaman. Kita dapati, R&D getah asli Malaysia yang terkenalpun, tanah untuk penyelidikan RRI (Institut Penyelidikan Getah Malaysia) di Sungai Buloh juga diambil alih oleh kumpulan berkuasa yang tamak untuk dijadikan alat cepat datang untung membina bangunan fizikal dan kegiatan biznes. Korporat Korea menentang kerajaannya menyertai TPPA (transpacific partnership agreement) kerana mereka ada menjalankan R&D sendiri, dan tidak mahu tunduk kepada korporat besar Amerika Syarikat serta dikongkong oleh mereka.

Adalah dimaklum, daya produktiviti manusia meningkat dengan perkembangan sains dan teknologi, dan daya ini amat diperlukan memajukan keadaan kehidupan kebendaan kita. Ekonomi AS dapat mendahulukan negara lain, berada di barisan hadapan, semata-mata bergantung pada pelaburan besar di bidang R&D sains dan teknologi. Bagi Jepun, walaupun untuk seketika mempunyai pencapaian yang mengagumkan, tetapi kerana tidak melabur besar dalam R&D, akhirnya daya saingan tidak kekal, sudah lebih 20 tahun ekonominya terjunam ke gaung kemelesetan ekonomi , sehingga kini masih bergelut untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Oleh sebab perdana menteri Najib mengikut jejak langkah ekonomi Dr Mahahir, sudah pasti dasarnya tidak memperuntukkan dan menggalakkan perbelanjaan banyak untuk R&D, kecuali PM Najib mengambil ikhtiar untuk mengubah arah ekonomi, menitikberatkan usaha meningkatkan daya produktiviti tenaga kerja Malaysia. Apabila sumber asli Malaysia habis diguna dan dieksploitasi, masa depan negara ini muram.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Kerajaan Selangor harus Tangani Punca Pencemaran Bekalan Air

Oleh Koh Swe Yong
Naib-Presiden PRM

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) mendesak kerajaan negeri Selangor mengambil tindakan yang tegas dan berkesan untuk selama-lamanya menyelesaikan pencemaran bekalan air yang dari semasa ke semasa dilakukan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Pencemaran air menyebabkan pemutusan bekalan air kepada khalayak ramai . Akibatnya orang ramai, peniaga dan pihak industri mengalami kesusahan dan kerugian ekonomi.

PRM bertanya, “Mengapakah punca air negeri Selangor seperti Sungai Selangor dan Sungai Langat berkali-kali dicemari sisa buangan industri macam minyak diesel dan cair ammonia, terpaksa bekalan air tiba-tiba diputus, menyebabkan kehidupan orang ramai terganggu, selalu dihantui masalah tiba-tiba keputusan bekalan air, dan rakyat jelata, pihak peniaga dan industri menghadapi kerugian pengeluaran yang besar? ”

Walaupun tindakan diambil oleh kerajaan negeri Selangor untuk merampas tanah pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan mereka dihadap ke mahkamah selepas pencemaran air berlaku, langkah dan tindakan seumpama itu tidak mencukupi untuk menangani masalah pencemaran air selama-lamanya. Kerajaan negeri Selangor harus mengkaji dan mengambil langkah untuk menangani punca asas pencemaran air ini.

“PRM bercadang, kerajaan negeri Selangor menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa khas untuk mengkaji masalah pencemaran air secara menyeluruh, bagaimana kegiatan operator industri mencemarkan air? Adakah kilang lain berpotensi mencemarkan air pada masa hadapan? Bagaimana hendak merancang langkah dan pendekatan supaya menghalang kegiatan industri yang akan mencemarkan tadahan air?"

Dengan perbuatan demikian, pencemaran air sungai dapat dihentikan selama-lamanya demi kebajikan dan kemajuan masa depan negeri Selangor.”

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Kenaikan Harga Minyak demi Kebaikan Rakyat Tidak Dapat Diterima

Oleh Koh Swe Yong
Naib-Presiden PRM

Parti Rakyat Malaysia menolak alasan kenaikan harga minyak RON 95 sebanyak 20sen adalah demi kabaikan masa panjang rakyat dan negara, di samping itu mengurangkan subsidi untuk orang kaya dan warga asing termasuk pekerja asing dan PATI (pendatang asing tanpa izin). PRM juga menolak kenaikan harga minyak dibuat kerana tidak ada pilihan dan terpaksa.

Negara kita kaya dengan sumber alam semula jadi. Rakyat rajin. Ada banyak warga bekerja sambilan selepas kerja makan gaji semata-mata untuk menambung kos kehidupan harian tinggi. Dalam keadaan ini, mereka masih menghadapi tekanan hidup yang berat dan sedang melambung naik. Mereka juga hadapi pelbagai masalah social-ekonomi yang semakin runcing. Harga tanaman seperti getah dan minyak kelapa sawit yang terus menurun ke tahap yang amat rendah.

Sebabnya, ini adalah akibat langsung daripada dasar berpuluhan tahun yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah yang menjaga kepentingan segelintir kroni kaya raya, sebagai akibat tidak kecekapan dan tidak berkeupayaan dan juga amalan korup, khususnya dasar penswastaan dan rasionalisasi (hapuskan subsidi barangan keperluan harian) di bawah dasar ekonomi neo-liberalisme yang diamal oleh kerajaan UMNO-BN, di mana tanggungjawap kerajaan menjaga kebajikan rakyat dipindah kepada bahu rakyat jelata sendiri.

Pada PRU 13, UMNO-BN berjanji kepada rakyat, jika diberi kuasa semula, UMNO-BN tidak akan menaikkan harga minyak.

Bukankah minyak dibahagi kepada jenis RON 95 Dan RON 97? RON 95 untuk pengguna berpendapatan pertengahan dan RON 97 diguna oleh mereka yang kaya berkereta besar. Lagi pun berapa warga asing yang berada di Malaysia menikmati subsidi minyak RON 95? Berapa pekerja asing dan PATI berupaya mengguna kereta di Malaysia?

PRM hendak mengingati bahawa bekas perdana menteri, Abdullah Badawi, diberikan kepercayaan kuat oleh rakyat kerana beliau berjanji melaksanakan perubahan yang diidam-idamkan rakyat, oleh itu mendapat peratusan kerusi parlimen yang paling tinggi dalam sejarah Malaysia.

Tetapi selepas pilihan raya, beliau tidak membawa perubahan yang dijanji, tidak menghiraukan kesusahan kehidupan rakyat, sebaliknya melaksanakan dasar ekonomi neo-liberalisme, mengurangkan subsidi, menaikkan harga minyak dengan mendadak, sekali 30sen dan sekali lagi 50 sen, akibatnya harga barangan melambung naik, inflasi berlaku, akhirnya beliau dinyah oleh pengundi pada PRU 12.

PRM berpendapat bahawa demi kepentingan masa depan rakyat, masyarakat dan negara, pemerintah harus menepati slogan, “rakyat didahulukan”, “janji ditepati”, menghentikan pelaksanaan dasar ekonomi neo-liberalisme, melucutkan rancangan penswastaan, mengamalkan pemerintahan yang baik (good governance), bersungguh-sungguh membanteras amalan rasuah dan korupsi, jika pihak berkenaan bilang, mereka telah menang dalam PRK Telok Intan dan Pengkalan Kubor bermakna dasar yang menderitakan rakyat macam kenaikan harga minyak diterima rakyat, pada pilihan raya umum akan datang, mereka pasti rasa kemarahan pengundi kawasan bandar dan kawasan luar bandar.


吉隆坡4日讯, 马来西亚人民党指出,国阵政府网顾民意调涨油价的举动,可能会受到人民的唾弃,在来届大选中失意,面临如前首相敦阿都拉因此而下台的命运。























Thursday, August 21, 2014

Time to transform Left Coalition into a third force

By Viktor Wong 15/8/2014

As the people are getting fed up with the intense politicking of both the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) and opposition Pakatan Rakyat, it is time for political parties outside of BN and Pakatan to seriously consider joining forces to become an alternative voice for the people. It is also time for the people to seriously reconsider their voting trend to prevent these two coalitions from becoming too powerful.

BN’s 1Malaysia has become a mere slogan of convenience instead of promoting a non-racial approach and national unity as the ruling coalition’s dominant Umno is expounding racial and religious extremism, hate politics and threats. Other BN component parties like MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP had failed to prevent Umno from swaying to the right and had since become irrelevant. Corruption, power abuse and mismanagement by the ruling coalition are still happening.

On Pakatan’s side, many promises made in the last two general elections remain unfulfilled and are fading away. Crucial ones like the restoration of local council elections and parliamentary reforms had not been pursued seriously by Pakatan-led state governments. It is known that one of the Pakatan component parties is not in favour of local council elections but did not publicly oppose it.

Are we expecting them to shirk more of their public responsibilities?

It was the people’s disillusionment with BN that prompted them to vote Pakatan, in the hope of strengthening the opposition bench for more effective checks and balances.

However, Pakatan has performed below the people’s expectations. So, should we then vote for BN again in the next general election despite knowing its past and current misdeeds and wrongdoings? The people should be more careful in their voting.

Due to such unfavourable political trends, many would opt to stay at home and not vote for any of the two coalitions come polling day, but will such boycotts from the silent majority move these two coalitions? Certainly it will not.

First of all, why depend on a two-party system and limit our democratic choice to only voting BN or Pakatan? Why can’t we opt for a multi-party system by voting political parties outside of the BN and Pakatan coalitions into the legislatures so that issues of both BN and Pakatan can be exposed and scrutinised to ensure their implementation of policies will not go astray?

It is understood that Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) has roped in Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) and a left-leaning NGO, Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) as well as other leftist NGOs to form the Left Coalition with the intention of educating people on greater democracy, equality and the third vote (local council elections).

Prior to that, PSM has been caught in an unusual position cooperating with Pakatan after the opposition coalition’s refusal to accept its application. In the last general election (GE13), PSM had a bitter experience of being betrayed by Pakatan when its candidates were challenged by Pakatan component parties.

Apart from that, PSM was also forced to adopt the PKR emblem when it contested two seats each in GE12 and GE13, on grounds that PSM’s fist emblem was unsuitable to the electorate. How long will PSM have to tolerate such an unjust situation?

PSM stressed that the newly formed but not formalised Left Coalition will only act as a watchdog to expose both BN and Pakatan administrations, politics and policies and cautioning them when they go astray, admitting that the newly formed coalition was not yet a third force. On the other hand PSM has yet to give up its attempt to join the Pakatan coalition.

But why has PSM initiated the Left Coalition while still harbouring hopes of joining Pakatan one day? Has PSM forgotten how it was betrayed in GE13 when it lost a state seat in a multi-cornered fight?

By looking at the situations in BN and Pakatan now, hasn’t PSM realised the importance of the Left Coalition and the need to let the people know why it should emerge as a third force? You are the alternative for the people but why still hesitate?

The people have become disillusioned with both BN and Pakatan, and the Left Coalition should take this opportunity to step in to serve the purpose.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

MTUC wants compulsory 5-day work week, but some employers still object

By Sonia Ramachandran
The Ant Daily, 19 July 2014

A five-day work week may seem the norm for many in the country, both in the private and public sectors.

But this is apparently not the case, according to the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) who reportedly has been receiving complaints that many companies in the forwarding, shipping, logistic and ancillary service sectors were still practising a six-day work week with Saturdays as half day.

An MTUC survey showed that these companies dealt mainly with businesses that closed on Saturdays, thereby bringing into question the point of having employees work on that day.

Thus, MTUC wants the government to make it compulsory for the private sector to implement a five-day work week to increase productivity and allow for families to have more quality time together.

However, Malaysia Employers Federation (MEF) executive director Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan told theantdaily that such a move was not practical.

“To make it compulsory is not going to be practical because various sectors are not able to go for a five-day week, especially sectors that work 365 days a year, such as the media, hotels and public transportation sectors.

“To make it compulsory will incur additional costs to such employers. Having said that, there are also some employers who allow a four-day week where their employees work 12 hours daily. This is quite popular with Japanese manufacturing companies,” he said.

Another inhibiting factor to a five-day work week, said Shamsuddin, is the Employment Act 1955 whose provisions were mostly drawn up in the 1950s when most companies worked six days a week.

“For example, there is the 22 days of sick leave provided for under the Employment Act which was provided for in the 1950s when most companies had a six-day work week. To encourage companies to go for a five-day work week, sick leave, annual leave as well as public holidays should also be reduced proportionately.

“We are not trying to obtain an unfair advantage. It’s only fair as employees will be getting an additional 52 days off with a five-day week,” he said.

MTUC deputy secretary-general A Balasubramaniam reportedly said the governments should make it compulsory for the private sector to implement a five-day work week to increase productivity as well as help in streamlining the working days with government agencies, departments and financial institutions.

Balasubramaniam said it was a waste of time and money in addition to lowering employee morale to have a six-day work week.

He urged the Human Resources Ministry to take the initiative to educate businesses on the benefits of a five-day week, including their employees having more leisure and quality time with their families and friends.

With Malaysia considered one of the countries with the most number of public holidays in the world, it is understandable where Shamsuddin is coming from as an employer.

Theoretically, the additional days off would be set off by longer work hours but some employers may have no need for employers to stay beyond certain hours a day, thus needing a six-day week to make up the necessary hours.

As Shamsuddin pointed out, making it compulsory will not work. The government will need to make it worthwhile for companies to do so.

Make 5-day work week compulsory, says MTUC

Putrajaya should make it compulsory for the private sector to implement a five-day work week to increase productivity, the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) said today.

Its deputy secretary-general, A.Balasubramaniam, said this would also help to streamline the working days with government agencies, departments and financial institutions.

He said MTUC had been receiving complaints that many companies in the shipping, forwarding, logistic and ancillary service sectors were still practising a six-day work week with Saturdays as half-day.

An MTUC survey revealed that these companies dealt mainly with businesses that
closed on Saturdays.

"What use is it to open for business when your counterparts are closed?"

He added that it was a waste of time and money, besides lowering employee morale.

He said the Human Resources Ministry should take the initiative to educate these businesses on the benefits of a five-day work week, which, among others, provided leisure and quality time for employees to be with their families and friends, and improve the overall job satisfaction and quality of life. – Bernama, July 15, 2014.- TMI

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

PSM: Left Coalition to act as watchdog

As Malaysian voters vacillate between the programmes of Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat, much has been said, but little has been done, about establishing a genuine 'third' force' in Malaysian politics.

Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) has been treading an unusual path, co-operating with Pakatan, but also finding itself in a number of unpleasant tussles with its component members.

Aiming to bring socialist ideology back into the country's political discourse, PSM is now mooting the Left Coalition.

Together with partners Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM), Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), and several other groups the party intends to educate the people about greater democracy and equality.

PSM president Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim believes the Left Coalition will act as a 'watchdog', exposing issues in both Barisan and Pakatan administrations and cautioning them if they have gone astray.

He admitted the coalition was not yet the third force it hopes to be, as its initial focus was to analyse public mindset and attract more members who could be critical and not political.

"But if ever Malaysians become too disillusioned with both sides of the political divide, then we would want to step in to resolve the problem, and become a political force to be reckoned with," he told The Star Online recently.

Despite a slow start, the informal coalition recently formed five subcommittees to look into several areas dealing primarily with education on leftist ideology and the role of the left in Malaysian history, trade unionism, social media engagement, drafting left policies, as well as mass movement and action.

Their ideas and findings will be presented when the coalition meets again in July.

It has also finished drafting a constitution outlining the collective objectives of the member bodies, with quarterly meetings being held to discuss issues of interest.

However, it is not planning to become a registered coalition just yet, nor one that would contest in elections.

"Right now, the focus is on getting our programmes underway, as we feel that only by conducting regular activities and having a clear direction can we get stronger as a coalition," said PSM secretary-general S. Arutchelvan.

There is still the prickly issue of PSM's involvement with Pakatan Rakyat, with a proposed merger prior to last year's general election being rejected by the latter.

Arutchelvan refused to close the chapter on a possible link-up with the opposition coalition in the future, but was also clear about not wanting to wait around for a decision from its leaders.

"At the moment, PSM is not focusing on this (merging with Pakatan Rakyat). We do not wish to wait around for their decision. We will go ahead with our plans, and if Pakatan feels that we should join them, they must write to us.

"When that time comes, we will discuss it with our Left Coalition partners," he said.

Meanwhile, PRM, one of the oldest political parties in the country that is now rebuilding itself after most of its members joined the merger with PKR in 2003, is hoping the Left Coalition will help further its long-time agenda of a proportional representation of the voting system.

Its president Dr Rohana Ariffin sees the coalition as a coming together of organisations with similar interests, though she believes they should still be able to fight for their individual goals.

"The coalition is a collaborative effort to educate the public - especially those who are dissatisfied with the current political landscape but are unsure how to bring about change.

"As a coalition member, PRM still runs its own programmes and works together on other activities," she said when contacted.

PSM is expected to address some pertinent issues when it convenes for its 16th National Congress in Port Dickson this weekend from June 13-15.

Among the topics to be debated are how the socialist party plans to stack up against the Islamic politics that is taking centrestage in Malaysia - for instance, if it sees itself working with a party like PAS.It will also discuss the transition of power among the party's top leadership to ensure a smooth process, as the terms of its current leaders will expire in 2018.- TheStaronline/PSM website

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Where's the Hudud?

By Aurora

A friend of mine who is back for holidays from Alabama, US (yes, yes, Obama is president of the country!) swaggered towards the mamak shop as we have decided to met over a cup of teh tarik. "Hey" he said "what 's this I heard about the Hudud coming to town man? " " Er..yes," I replied " "a lot of talk over here except it tones down a little whenever there is a by-election". He asked me if I support the hudud and I vaguely answered that as a Muslim I must adhere to it as we must have blind faith to avoid ostracism by other faithful obedient Muslims.

He frowned and after thinking awhile said " But I have several questions to ask you because details need to be clarified. First, the chopping of limbs because of stealing. Now does it commensurate with the amount or value stolen? Let's say that a person stole a motorbike and another stole a few million by white collar crimes, which is rampant these days ...and politicians who squandered the Rakyat's money? Now surely not all amount is treated equivalent to one limb or limbs ? "

"Taking all their crimes into consideration and the reality are that almost half of parliamentarians and state assembly men/women are involved, do we cut off their fingers, arms and legs?" "Wallo," he continues" this means we need to build many rams in parliament and state assemblies as we have to catered to these people". "Can I have the contract to build them?" he asked me. I said that it is not fair to the naturally handicapped people who have been born with one or two limbs missing to be wrongly viewed by people to equate them with those who had their limbs amputated due to their crime. This is especially when they want to go to attend some state and parliament proceedings?

"Hah!" he said. "Then we build two separate rams. One label states for the naturally handicap and the other states Others! "Never mind he said, if he gets the contract to build the rams, he is happy enough to let go off his conscience.

Then I thought what if the money has been sent to an overseas bank or has been used to buy property in their spouse or relatives names? Do we also punish the conspirators as well?

"Another question again' he said". The stoning of adulterers... I heard that the stones have to be of certain diameter and weight so that killing victim could be done effectively. Are they thinking of building a stone factory, medium or big scale to make the stones? And can I get the contract?"

"Then how about rape?" "Isn't it enough that we have DNA sampling now, instead of resorting to four male witness? As that time of ruling there was no technology of ballistic, DNA technique, forensic behaviour specialists...." on and on he went with modern technologies "and what the hack, should four men standby folding their arms and not doing anything while the poor woman was being rape?...voyeurs ke?" I meekly said that since all these new technology are discovered by the west, maybe they are not suitable for Muslim societies!

As I could not give him a decent explanation as I am not schooled in islamic legislation nor even from a pondok school, before getting up he throw me another question. "Hey, how about cultural dances? Would hudud ban my favourite Dangdut?." I also thought, what is life without music and festivities?

He then laughed and said that since he is going back to secular America and perhaps would not secure the proposed contracts, he wished me luck and cautioned me not to commit any simple crime like stealing visible objects!! He then swaggered into the

Friday, May 16, 2014

Majlis Makan Malam Amal PRM

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) akan mengadakan satu Majlis Makan Malam Amal pada 7hb Jun 2014 yakni pada hari Sabtu pada jam 7.00 malam di Ttanz Hotel Seafood Restaurant, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur.

Saudara-saudari ahli-ahli PRM adalah dijemput hadir pada jamuan makan malam amal ini yang bertujuan untuk mengumpul sumbangan untuk tabung parti. Tiket untuk jamuan tersebut adalah berharga RM100 setiap satu.

Untuk keterangan lanjut, saudara-saudari bolehlah menghubungi Sdri Dr Rohana di 012-4221255 atau Sdr Raj di 016-3478001.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Kenyataan Presiden CUEPACS membelakangkan demokrasi

Kami merujuk kepada kenyataan presiden Kongress Kesatuan Sekerja Perkhidmatan Awam (CUEPACS) Azih Muda yang mengatakan kakitangan-kakitangan awam yang tidak bersetuju dengan perlaksanaan GST adalah pengkhianat negara dan sememangnya patut disingkirkan daripada perkhidmatan awam.

Kami ingin memberikan peringatan kepada presiden CUEPACS itu bahawa kenyataan beliau itu sememangnya tidak bertanggungjawab, menafikan hak-hak para kakitangan awam sebagai rakyat Malaysia dan membelakangkan amalan demokrasi.

Tindakan dan kenyataan Azih itu menggambarkan seolah-olahnya CUEPACS itu adalah seperti sebuah kongsi gelap di mana ahli-ahlinya perlu melafazkan sumpah taat setia membabi buta kepada pemimpin mereka tanpa mempersoalkan apa-apa bentuk dasar dan arahan yang diperturunkan.

Presiden dan para pemimpin CUEPACS perlu diingatkan bahawa kakitangan-kakitangan awam negara ini juga mempunyai hak asasi kemanusiaan mereka, begitu juga dengan presiden dan para pemimpin gabungan kesatuan tersebut. Melakukan sesuatu yang cuba menghadkan hak asasi ahli-ahli kesatuan adalah jelas tidak berpelembagaan dan melampaui batas kemanusiaan.

Ahli-ahli kesatuan adalah juga rakyat Malaysia dan sebagai warganegara Malaysia, mereka punyai hak yang sama seperti kita untuk meluahkan rasa tidak puashati mereka terhadap mana-mana dasar kerajaan ataupun kegiatan-kegiatan yang difikirkan tidak bersesuaian dengan kehidupan mereka. Selain daripada itu, ahli-ahli CUEPACS ini juga berhak menentukan siapakah yang akan memimpin kesatuan yang mereka anggotai setelah penggal kepimpinan kesatuan sekarang tamat.

Satu lagi persoalan yang ingin kami kemukakan kepada Azih Muda. Siapakah Azih sebenarnya mewakili? Adakah beliau mewakili kira-kira sejuta kakitangan awam seleruh negara ataupun kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang dikuasai Umno ini? Jika sekiranya presiden CUEPACS itu ingin mewakili kerajaan BN, kami menasihatkan beliau agar meletakkan jawatannya sebagai pemimpin kesatuan sekerja tersebut.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Bersatulah dengan Kesatuan dan Parti Politik Progresif! Tukar Kerajaan Kapitalis!

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) menyeru kerajaan BN memansuhkan undang-undang dan peraturan yang tidak membela nasib kelas buruh negara ini, membenarkan hak kesatuan sekerja kebebasan berorganisasi, serta mengambil tindakan perindustrian (industrial actions) seperti mogok apabila menghadapi penindasan dan eksploitasi atau menuntut kenaikan gaji dan pembaikian suasana pekerjaan, demi mempertahankan hak pekerja.

Parti Rakyat Malaysia juga menyeru parti pemerintah menghentikan pelaksanaan dasar buruh murah (Cheap labour policy ), secara berperingkat mengurangkan buruh pendatang, serta memberikan hak buruh yang sama kepada buruh pendatang di dalam negara ini.

1 Mei ialah Hari Buruh Antarabangsa. Hari perayaan antarabangsa ini merupakan hari cuti am di kebanyakan negara. Pertubuhan buruh serta parti dan organisasi progresif di seluruh dunia mengadakan perarakan dan perhimpunan, tujuan utamanya ialah untuk memperingati dan meraikan kejayaan perjuangan kelas buruh menuntut hak bekerja 8-jam sehari, membaiki suasana bekerja dan kebajikan pekerja. Di samping itu, pekerja juga mengambil ruang 1 Mei menuntut mempertingkatkan gaji dan kualiti kehidupan.

Buat masa sekarang, suasana bekerja dan layanan kelas kerja telah ada perubahan baik di sesetengah negara jika berbanding dengan suasana mogok raksasa pekerja Chicago di Amerika Syarikat pada1886 untuk menuntut hak bekerja 8-jam sehari. Ketika itu, 4 orang pemimpin pekerja digantung sampai mati.

Tetapi layanan kelas buruh berbeza dari sebuah negara ke negara lain, pekerja dan pekerja kanak-kanak negara-negara Dunia Ketiga masih harus bekerja di bawah situasi yang buruk dan masa yang panjang demi mendapatkan sesuap nasi dan gaji yang sedikit, ada di antara buruh ini mengambil jalan membunuh diri kerana tidak tahan tekanan yang amat dahsyat ini. Walaupun nasib buruh di negara yang maju lebih baik, tetapi apabila wujudnya krisis ekonomi, kelas menengah yang terdiri daripada buruh mahir dan profesional juga menghadapi kesusahan, keadaan kehidupan mereka makin hari makin buruk. 

Di Malaysia, kerajaan Perikatan (badan pra-Barisan Nasional) hanya mengisytiharkan 1 Mei Hari Buruh sebagai hari cuti pada tahun 1972. Sebelum itu, meraikan Hari Buruh Antarabangsa adalah tidak dibenarkan dan melanggar peraturan. Kesatuan atau parti politik kiri yang meraikan Hari Buruh ditekan oleh kerajaan Perikatan.

Kini, keadaan pekerjaan kelas buruh negara ini tidak bertambah baik, sebalik telah hilang hak-hak yang dinikmati mereka. Di bawah dasar ‘out-sourcing’, pekerja telah kehilangan kebajikan yang ditawar oleh pihak kilang. Selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13, BN memerintah, kerajaan BN melaksanakan rasionalisasi subsidi barangan, oleh itu subsidi petrol, gas asli, gula, caj elektrik dll untuk rakyat dikurangkan atau dihapus, cukai GST akan dilaksanakan, kelas buruh perlu hadapi tekanan kenaikan harga barang yang melambung tinggi, kehidupan menjadi lebih susah.

Bagi seorang graduan baru, jika bergaji RM5000 sebulan, sigraduan itu dengan diri seorang langsung tidak mampu membeli sebuah rumah dengan bayaran ansuran. Tetapi kerajaan BN masih terus memberikan subsidi kepada syarikat monopoli, melaksanakan dasar bazir dan korup. Di dalam negara atau di dunia ini, pertentangan antara 1% orang yang berada dengan 99% rakyat yang tertindas kian runcing.

Parti Rakyat Malaysia berpendapat, untuk mengubah nasib kelas buruh yang kian menurun ini, kelas buruh dan rakyat tertindas harus tingkatkan kesedaran dan insaf, harus mengubah perjuangan pekerja yang berkitar pada penambahbaikan ekonomi , bersatulah di bawah kesatuan sekerja dan parti politik progresif, menghala ke perjuangan politik mengubah pemerintahan kelas kapitalis yang tamak, korup dan monopoli. Dengan demikian, kelas buruh dapat mengubah nasib mereka, mengubah dunia ini.

Parti Rakyat Malaysia










今天,国内工人阶级的工作条件没有得到改善,反而被剥夺许多所享有权力。例如在工作外包的政策下,工人失去享有厂方职工福利。在5.05第十三届大选后,国阵再次执政后,国阵政府实行合理化物价津贴,因此汽油、天然气、白糖、电费等津贴被削 减或取消,新的服务税(GST)将实施,受薪工人阶级必须面对物价高涨的巨大压力,生活更加苦。




Friday, December 6, 2013

Of human bondage - the Aishah factor

By Dr Rohana Ariffin

After the British papers came out with news of three women being held captive by a couple two weeks ago, out of the blue, a close friend and London returnee called me.

“Hey,” he said through the phone “do you remember Aishah and Chairman Ara?”. Cracking my old brain to remember friends or acquaintances of 40 years and beyond, I meekly replied “er...vaguely...”.

In his usual excitment, he said “ must remember, you got to remember!" with such insistence especially when a Daily Telegraph reporter was accompanying him to talk to old returnees from London of the seventies.

Well, this brings me to recollect the old days of the seventies when I was a post-graduate student there. This was the time of the Vietnam War, Black civil movement in the United States and the feminist struggle which took front stage.

Thousands of students were aroused with those issues with debates and speeches and demonstrations held against the Vietnam War, and strong support for the black and feminist movement.

It was the heyday of the Left or socialist movement.

Unlike the early eighties when Iran fell to the Ayatollahs, when overseas Malaysian students were befriended and roped into Islamic groups, the seventies marked a time when Malaysian students were also persuaded by various shades of Maoism, socialism and Marxism.

This was sometimes led by a more collective leadership and a few led by strong personalities and resembling a cultish group.

At that time, besides college and university students, there were many young women who went to London for training in nursing and some did attend such groups.

Similar to the cult of the eighties and till today, based mainly on religious differences as exemplified by the Ayah Pin episode, some of these left wing cult leaders preached strong loyalty to the group.

Some followers were even told to stop studying and leave their universities as, had they continued studying, it may turn them into a petty bourgeois.

Afterall, this is a proletariat struggle and therefore one has to be a proletariat to be part of the movement and to be in the vanguard!

Many members were told not to mix with other left groups as this may “contaminate” their ideas. Therefore, such vulnerability should be preserved.

In the extreme, they were encouraged to minimise or even severe any contacts with relatives and families.

Many did not return to Malaysia and they continue to stay in Britain, not to enjoy the British weather, food and hospitality!!

Their mission was to carry out their belief to change the capitalist system to socialism and to fight imperialism all the way especially after the collapse of the Cold War.

The surge of the United States as a dominant force unchallenged by any other country, has led to the interference of the US in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Thus, the story of Aishah is not about slavery (or sex slavery) but more of devotion to a certain belief and struggle. 

This was led by a charismatic (?) or influential leader who was well read and with knowledge of politics grounded much earlier than his followers, being more matured and had some networking before the arrival of these young students.

The strong personality of the leader was of utmost importance, some even bordering on authoritarianism.

Splinter groups were found everywhere, some more open, others more closed and cultish.

Whatever is said and done, it is a path an individual chooses, depending on one's perspective of the world and the commitment to either maintain the status quo or bring changes for a better equity and distribution of wealth in a society.- The Staronline

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

PRM 45th National Congress

Party Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) has recently held its 45th National Congress at the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) on 17th November 2013.

The congress was officiated by party president Dr Rohana Ariffin who later presented her policy speech to the delegates, invited guests, fraternal parties and the press. In her policy speech, Dr Rohana had stressed on the need to have a proportional voting system instead of the first-past-the-post-system which had given advantage to only bigger and stronger political parties to dominate the political scene.

Apart from that, our party president also touched on the importance of the youth movement, the international politics and urge party delegates and members to continue their struggle against capitalism.

Also invited to the congress were Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) chairman, Dr Nasir Hashim, PSM secretary-general S.Arutchelvan, ABU chairman, Haris Ibrahim and other members of the Socialist groups.

After the opening of the congress, party secretary-general Al--Jafree Yusop later tabled the party's annual report and the minutes of the previous year's national congress, followed by party's financial report, debates on the party president's policy speech and discussion on resolutions forwarded by the delegates.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

PRM pushing for fairer representation

The Ant Daily - 15/9/2013

By Al Jafree Md Yusop

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) is one of the oldest parties in the country but has yet to make an impact on the national scene. This is simply because under the two-party system practised in Malaysia, smaller parties like PRM stand no chance of making it big.

Hence, PRM wants to change this traditional system because it believes it is not benefiting the people. It is now pushing for the proportional voting system.

“Under the current two-party system, smaller parties get wiped out. No representatives from these parties have ever been elected to the State Legislative Assembly or Parliament,” PRM president Dr Rohana Ariffin told theantdaily.

“Under the proportional voting system, a fairer representation of the various groups in our society could be better represented,” she added.

“For instance, the aborigines comprised seven per cent of the population; they should get at least about similar representation in Parliament.

“Women and youths, too, would have a bigger share of political representation in Parliament. Not only are bigger political parties represented in Parliament but we will also have MPs representing other interest groups and smaller parties,” she said.

PRM was founded by Ahmad Boestamam on Nov 11, 1955. In 2003, it merged with Parti Keadilan Nasional to become Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

However, in 2007 the court declared that PRM still exists. After the historic 2008 general election, Pakatan Rakyat was formed but PRM stayed out of it.

PRM now plans to continue its role as a political and social critique of any unequal economic and social relations and of any form of exploitation, corruption and abuse of power in the country.

“Our vision is contrary to the mainstream thinking of both the Barisan Nasional and Pakatan.

The results of the 13th general election showed a clear a political divide between those who supported the government and those opposing it,” said Rohana.

“This clearly reflected the typical Malaysian mindset: an unchanging pattern continuing for many years, voting primarily for political parties rather than for any good candidates who may have served them well over the years or having the potential to do so,” she added.

PRM may be a very old party but Rohana said the party is still active. She pointed out that its small membership was due to several factors
“One, some members have accepted the merger of PKR. Two, some members were not sure where to go from there.

“Some members have complained of feeling being ‘let down’ by the former leaders and thus have no more faith to be in PRM. Some felt the need to reorganise the party to strengthen it,” she said.

“The public perception is that PRM does not exist any longer, particularly among the urban youths,” said Rohana, who was an associate professor at Universiti Sains Malaysia.

The party, however, has not lost its traditional struggle, that is, fighting against injustice.
According to Rohana, PRM believed that all oppressive institutions that curb basic human rights irrespective of gender and age should be abolished.

“These outdated institutions included propagating fascistic and fanatical tendencies; they should be replaced with institutions that support human rights with humanity and compassion,” she said.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Is a third force needed?

The Ant Daily - 3/9/2013

By Al Jafree Md Yusop

The idea of a third force is getting popular because many citizens are feeling disillusioned with Pakatan Rakyat, said a political scientist.

Wong Chin Huat said the disillusion stems largely from Pakatan’s failure to convince Malaysians that it can be really different from Barisan Nasional (BN), notwithstanding the remarkable reforms carried out in Penang and Selangor.

“A major contributor to the perception that Pakatan is just another bunch of power-crazy politicians is its in-fighting. More likely, they lack confidence so they are fighting a life-and-death battle for whatever they have now."

“Perhaps they are infiltrated by ‘Trojan Horses’ sent by Umno or BN. More likely, they are simply too trapped in the winner-takes-all mentality so prevalent in Malaysian politics,” said Wong, who is also a fellow at Penang Institute, a think tank linked to the Penang state government.

In the build-up to the 13th general election, talk was rife that a third force would take shape to challenge the BN, but it all remained a dream.

But Wong believes the third force can work given the voters' distrust of politicians.

According to him, if voters do not trust politicians now, they should take upon themselves the task of becoming agents of change.

They should put more trust in their ability to change politicians and not just be cynical and bitter, he said.

“The third force can take the form of organisations and movements such as Bersih 2.0 which is civil society-led.

“If Malaysians are eventually strong enough to stop flawed political elections, the two coalitions (BN and Pakatan) will get the message...,” he told theantdaily.

During Parti Sosialis Malaysia’s (PSM) 15th national congress last June, party members have agreed to form a non-electoral alliance among the left political parties and NGOs in Malaysia.

According to PSM chairman Dr Nasir Hashim, the alliance could eventually be turned into a third force to contest in the next general election.

“This (third force) will happen once we feel we are ready to face the challenge,” he added.
But why a non-electoral alliance instead of an electoral one?

Nasir said PSM is concentrating on empowering its members and the left movement in this country.

This is to ensure that they will be well prepared to face the rakyat and explain to them what socialism is and how it can help them, he said.

“The process of empowering our members and the left movement in this country is important to prepare them in facing the challenges ahead.

“You must understand that we have been backstabbed by our ‘friends’ in Pakatan during GE13, and we have been demonised by the ruling party for so long. I think it’s time for PSM to make extra effort to explain to the people what socialism really is,” he said.

Nasir has once described PSM’s relations with Pakatan as a “mess” in the run-up to the hotly contested GE13.

He said PSM realised that it had entered the May polls without strength and was hoping for a one-on-one contest and also Pakatan votes to ensure victory.

“As a result of the obstacles and sabotage, we were left alone (in GE13) to face our enemies in Pakatan and also BN. They took the opportunity to exploit this as had happened in Kota Damansara, where PAS said it expected to win with the support of PKR and Umno,” he said.

Nasir won the Kota Damansara state seat on a PKR ticket in the 2008 general election, but in the May polls lost it to BN in a three-cornered fight.

PSM - spurned and misunderstood

The Ant Daily 29/8/2013

By: Al Jafree Md Yusop

Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) not only has to contend with an uneasy political relationship with Pakatan Rakyat, but also has to address the false perception people have about socialism.

It is a difficult task to change the public perception of the socialist party but it is not going to deter PSM chairman Dr Nasir Hashim from taking corrective measures.

According to him, PSM has been accused of being a bunch of terrorists and communists, among others.

It didn’t help PSM’s cause that during the 13th general election (GE13), PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang even described PSM as a party that glorified the communist movement with photographs of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Karl Mark and other communist leaders.

To rectify the situation, PSM has decided to form a non-electoral alliance with NGOs to educate the people on socialism.

The left-wing party has also come under attack over its alleged atheistic leaning, but Nasir was quick to refute the allegation.

He said socialism is not far from the teachings of Islam.

He added that in Surah Al-Qasas from the Quran it is mentioned: “And we wish to give blessings to those who have been exploited on earth and wish to make them leaders, also make them the inheritors [of this earth].”

“That is exactly what we are fighting for, so the claim that socialism is against the teachings of Islam is baseless,” said Nasir. He added that the socialist ideology has to take into consideration the local surroundings.

He said it is important to study how a noble idea like socialism can be effective in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country like Malaysia.

“It has to go through a process of adaptation, because while we see that socialist countries like Cuba and Venezuela have developed, we have to further study whether their ideas there could be adapted to our struggle in Malaysia in the local context,” he said.

Small political parties like PSM have always been a victim of the electoral system being practised in Malaysia.

The first-past-the-post system tends to favour a dual-party system, where most of the time there are only two major choices for the voters to choose.

The entrance of a third party will always be perceived as an attempt to split votes through three-cornered fights.

PSM, founded in 1998, is an offshoot of Parti Rakyat Malaysia. For the first 10 years, PSM was denied registration as a political party by the government because it was considered a threat to national security.

However, the Home Ministry gave it the green light in June 2008. PSM won only one parliamentary seat in GE13 when its candidate Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj retained the Sungei Siput seat in Perak.